Future Feature Request - Invoice Descriptions on Statements

westcoast_925westcoast_925 Member Posts: 3

Currently when I generate a statement it will show Dates and Invoice numbers. This doesn't help me with clients that request paper statements. They always ask me what each invoice was for.

If the statements showed Date, Invoice #, and a short description ie. Monthly Service or Pool Repair, it would help alleviate this confusion.

Wave statements currently show:
5/1/2020 Invoice 48

Ideally would show:
5/1/20 Invoice 48 Description from the Invoice (ie. May Monthly Service)

The program I used to use for invoicing had this function and this is the only thing that makes my job harder with Wave.

Do you think we can add such a feature in the future?



  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @westcoast_925! Thanks for reaching out here. That's a really good point, and I can see how something like this would greatly benefit your business! I'll absolutely make sure to flag this for future consideration for my development teams, though I can't guarantee it will be something that will be implemented. Nonetheless, we appreciate you taking the time to write this up!

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