
Zapier from Stripe to Wave with multiple niches

tracyselenatracyselena Member Posts: 3

I am running a number of ecommerce stores which are using Stripe for payment. They are coming from different niches so I want to keep them separate. I actually have 1 stripe account but 4 different businesses (niches) in it. I am going to use Zapier to bring all those transactions into WAVE but I want to keep them separate from the different sites so I can report on them separately inside Wave.. How do keep them separate? When I try to setup my Zap it's forcing me to select only 1 income account.


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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi @tracyselena,

    Thanks for your message.

    Zapier gives a simple, "templated" way to achieve a lot of common integration cases, but doesn't offer all the power and flexibility needed for every use case.

    In increasing order of complexity (and, unavoidably, cost), I'd suggest you try the following:

    1. Create 4 different Zaps, structured as [Stripe Trigger] => [Zapier Filter Step: matches 1 of your 4 cases] => [Wave Create Transaction]. This should essentially be free, other than you need to be a paying Zapier customer to create a 3-step Zap. (Still free with Wave, of course.)

    2. Work with a developer to create a Zapier 'Code step', that uses custom-built code to create a transaction in the way you want with Wave.

    3. Work with a developer to create a custom integration that moves data in the way you want, without using Zapier.

    Hope one of those works out for you.

    And good luck with all four of your businesses!

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    tracyselenatracyselena Member Posts: 3

    Thank you!!! I will try that.

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