Imported transactions from Spend

SierraSierra Member Posts: 3

Hi there,

I just imported all my transactions from Spend since they are closing the App. But it put them all as deposits instead of withdrawals. Is there a way to bulk fix this without having to go to each transaction? Please tell me I can!


  • SierraSierra Member Posts: 3

    Also, I can't seem to connect my Bank of America account. The text never arrives to put in the code. Thanks again.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Sierra

    There might be a couple reasons why this could have happened, but first, how did you import these transactions? Did you use our CSV uploader? If so what is the formatting of your CSV? You may need to reformat your CSV in order for it to read properly. Check out this article on TROUBLESHOOTING YOUR CSV UPLOAD

    You CSV should technically only have about 3-4 columns max so as not to convolute the upload and your amounts should include a negative symbol in front for the withdrawal transactions.

    Bank Connection

    It sounds to me like you're experiencing MFA issues. At this time instead of trying to reconnect, would you mind trying the following steps for me?

    1. Delete your bank connection entirely.

    2. Can you log into your online bank portal and make sure that you take note of the URL that is used once you've successfully logged in.

    3. Go back to your Wave account and add a new bank account. Search for the financial institution. You may see several different types of connections for the same bank here. Select the most appropriate connection to your bank's online URL.

    4. Ensure that the same credentials you used to log in to your online bank is the exact same as what you're typing into Wave.

    If this does not work, I would try selecting a few different connections from the list. Sometimes the general umbrella connection is what works best.

  • SierraSierra Member Posts: 3

    Thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate you taking the time to get back to me. I will edit the CVS. I did use the uploader, but yes, there are many columns. I will delete them and add the minus sign before uploading again.

    As far as my bank, which is Bank of America. I am having trouble getting the call or text to add the code to even add it to Wave. It is not there at all. I will try again.

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @Sierra , thanks for getting back about this! If you're continuing to have issues with MFA on your bank connection, sending in a request ticket to our Support team would be a great way to get more insight into a solution for your unique account.

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