
Zapier account disconnects every day

NehuyNehuy Member Posts: 6

Hello again!

I'm facing this issue with zapier, where every 24 hours I need to re-connect my wave account (I log in through google).
Is there any setting to touch to avoid this? or will I have to reconnect every day for it to work?

Thank you and regards!


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    RobVGRobVG Member Posts: 53 admin

    Hi @Nehuy,

    This is a bug on our side and we are working hard on a fix. I don't have an ETA to share at this time, but it is a high priority to get this fixed.

    Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused!

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    NehuyNehuy Member Posts: 6

    Thanks a lot for the update Rob :)
    Have a good day

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    MoonlitMediaMoonlitMedia Member Posts: 3

    Same here! Thanks for working on this....having to manually reconnect every day isn't the ideal situation.

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    MoonlitMediaMoonlitMedia Member Posts: 3

    Any update on this? I'm missing many of my invoice imports due to this.

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    christypricechristyprice Member Posts: 10

    @RobVG just chiming in here that I have to manually add every transaction to Wave now, which defeats the purpose of using it. Would love to know a timeline on the fix as I may need to start looking at other platforms. Thanks!

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    CoachRobCoachRob Member Posts: 1

    About a week ago, I rec'd notification from Zapier that Wave has fixed this issue.

    This appears to be incorrect as I'm still getting the "RefreshAuthError" on Zaps, and have to go back in and re-sync the integration.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey folks,

    We're still focused on this and looking at a fix for this daily. Our apologies for the delay but we appreciate your patience.

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    NehuyNehuy Member Posts: 6

    It's good to know that you have it on your radar :smile:

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    RobVGRobVG Member Posts: 53 admin

    Hey @Nehuy, @MoonlitMedia, @christyprice, @CoachRob,

    Earlier today we shipped a change to Zapier, which we believe should address the problem being experienced. The fix is labelled as version 2.4.1 and should be automatically applied to your account. You may need to reconnect the failing zaps one final time.

    Sorry for the delay in addressing this issue. Definitely understand the major inconvenience this caused, having an automation integration not be automatic is not very useful.

    edited June 25, 2020
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    christypricechristyprice Member Posts: 10

    Thanks so much @RobVG. I can confirm that I had a Zap that worked properly in the past hour. Hooray!!! Really appreciate your team getting this fixed!

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    MoonlitMediaMoonlitMedia Member Posts: 3

    Wonderful! Thanks so much for the update.

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    GlamprGlampr Member Posts: 1

    I am still having this exact issue. Is there any fix please?

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