The Income section of the Profit and Loss Statement

babzonjaybabzonjay Member Posts: 10

The Income section of the Profit and Loss Statement is showing zero. Only the expenses section shows figures. Kindly help look into it as soon as possible. Thank you.


  • babzonjaybabzonjay Member Posts: 10

    This is a screenshot

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @babzonjay , thanks for this message and the screenshot. Reports will always only show what has been entered into Accounting > Transactions. Do you have income transactions in that page? If so, would you be able to send a screenshot of that here? As well, it's possible that there are just no income transactions for the date range selected. If you change the date range to dates which include income transactions, does it still show zero income?

  • babzonjaybabzonjay Member Posts: 10

    Hi CallieP
    Thank you for the feedback.
    Yes, I entered some income transactions on wave from the 1st of June till date. The report only shows some income not all.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @babzonjay

    I see you have some of your dates filtered for June. Would you mind sending me a screenshot of the Accounting > transactions page letting me know whether there are income transactions on your for those same dates that you've filtered on the P&L report?

  • babzonjaybabzonjay Member Posts: 10

    Hello BarsinA
    Trust you are keeping safe.
    I don't really think the Wave Support Team understand my request.
    For clarity sake, I will re-explain.
    I clicked on the report section to download the Profit or Loss for June 2020, the amount shown on the report was lesser than expected. The total income for June 2020 according to the exhibit below was NGN1,223,936.69 but it did not capture the NGN2,000,000 payment we received on the 5th of June 2020. The invoice was paid for but it did not reflect in the Profit or loss Account.
    Kindly find attached a screenshot of the P and L report and a screenshot of one of the payments that were not captured in the report.
    I will appreciate if you can look into my request with patience and understanding.
    Thank you.

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @babzonjay , thanks for getting back! To clarify, we were asking about the Transactions page rather than the Report because reports specifically only pull data from the Transactions page. So if there is not a transaction (even if there should be, since the invoice is marked as paid), the report won't show that data. Hopefully that makes sense for you!

    If you head to Accounting > Transactions, is there a transaction for this invoice there on June 5? It seems that this might be a case of the invoice not synching to accounting. Here is some troubleshooting we can try for this.

    • Open an Incognito Chrome browser window & log into Wave there. Continue all of the following steps in the Incognito window. I suggest this because Incognito has no cache, cookies, or extensions that may be blocking the connection
    • Head to Accounting > Transactions if there is a transaction for this invoice, and delete the transaction.
    • Head to Sales > Invoices and remove the payments on the invoice, if they are still there.
    • Refresh the page. There should now be no payments on the invoice, and no transaction in accounting for this invoice.
    • Head back to Accounting > Transactions > Add Income
    • Categorize the transaction as 'Payment Received for an Invoice in Wave', then, select the invoice
    • Choose the account & amount as needed, and back-date the transaction to June 5.
    • Click Save

    Then, if you head to Reports > Profit & Loss, does the invoice now show there? Please let us know! Thanks for working with us on this.

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