"Other Income" to CC not shown in Cash Flow report

JonHJonH Member Posts: 5

I created a category in the "Other Income" section of my Chart of Accounts. I applied credit card cash rewards to my bill which reduced what I owed that month. When I run the Cash Flow report, this transaction isn't reflected. It seems the only transactions that are showing up for this particular report for this category are the transactions to my checking account. Did I do something incorrect?

UPDATE After looking more into the report I see that none of my credit card transactions are included in this report. I think I just misunderstood what this report is trying to show folks.


  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @JonH , thanks for your message! I'm so sorry, but I'm not entirely clear on the steps you took when recording a transaction related to the other income account. It also sounds like you may have gotten this sorted already, but if not, would you be able to clarify the step-by-step process you've taken, what you're hoping to have happen, and what is happening instead? If you reply to this thread, we'll be able to address your response within a few business days!

  • JonHJonH Member Posts: 5
    Yes, I’m new to accounting and it seems that the Cash Flow report is only looking at my checking/savings, which makes plenty of sense to me... now. I originally expected income gained through my credit card rewards program to show up in that report, but it didn’t so I was confused as I was thinking that was part of “cash flow”. However, since it never hit my checking account, but was applied directly to my cc balance, I see how that would not be included. It dawned on me once I discovered that non of my cc transactions were showing up in this report. These transactions are displayed in Profit/Loss so it’s becoming more clear at this point. I’m starting to get the hang of this accounting stuff. :)
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