
Fearless Accounting With Wave Guide - Take Control of Your Accounting!

James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

Accounting is often seen as difficult territory for those of us non-CPAs out there, but learning how to perform the management accounting for your business is easier than you think (we promise)! With our Fearless Accounting With Wave guide, you can take the accounting for your business into your own hands and gain a better understanding of your business so that you can continue to propel it forward.

Designed to be read once and referred to often, Fearless Accounting With Wave is built around the natural rhythm of bookkeeping and accounting and broken down into:

Accounting Coffee Breaks

The accounting concepts you need to know as a business owner so that your understanding of these concepts becomes a natural extension of your business’ activities.

The Bookkeeping Cycle

All of the bookkeeping tasks you’ll need to perform in Wave to create an accurate and meaningful set of books for your business.

The Analysis Cycle

Financial metrics and analysis tips to help you better understand your business’s performance and influence its growth.

Year-End Accounting

Everything you need to know to tie up the fiscal year and set yourself up for success heading into the next one.

Download your copy here!

edited November 29, 2019 in Accounting Release Updates


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    msamanoudy2msamanoudy2 Member Posts: 9

    Please check if it can be downloaded, because i failed. thanks

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @msamanoudy2.

    Thanks for letting us know! It's fixed now!

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    Just_LurkingJust_Lurking Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

    I'm working my way through this document now and it's pretty great. Congrats; it must have been a major effort!

    One question (so far) has been bothering me, and perhaps this is a good place to ask about it. On the bottom of page 26 (second page of the Accounting Equation section), is the following equation:

    Assets = Liabilities + {Owner’s Investment - Owner’s Withdrawals} - {Lifetime Income - Lifetime Expense}

    I'm not following why there is a minus sign between the two bracketed sections. (I've bolded the minus sign.) Based on the equation above it at the top of page 26, I thought it would be a positive sign, with the second set of brackets returning a negative number if the company were unprofitable since inception.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: I just got to page 34, and I was pretty disappointed to see that there is no built-in feature for tracking business mileage. I thought this would be a standard feature. Regardless, after some searching I did find an article that explains a potentially clunky workaround using bills, and a workaround is certainly better than nothing. It would have been helpful if the Accounting guide referenced the workaround.

    Also on page 34, just a small note since I noticed it that there is a typo where the word "you" is repeated. (Search for "you you" and you'll see it.)

    edited April 19, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you so much for the feedback, @Just_Lurking!

    A few members of our team have worked tirelessly (or should I say... fearlessly) to bring this guide to life and we're quite proud of it!

    We've already forwarded it to the right folks, and those typos will be handled in no time. If you find anything else or if you have more feedback, let us know!

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0

    This is very cool and thank you for sharing ;) Some of us aren't accountants even though we are using accounting software in Wave. It's nice that I could print it out too!

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    johnsonjohnson Member Posts: 1

    unable to download, kindly help me forward it to jterinfolami@gmail.com

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    ChristophChristoph Member Posts: 2

    Hi, can you recommend a wave acountant in the Netherlands?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Christoph,

    I see that you've already started a discussion under the right category stating what you're looking for. That's the best way to find one here. While we don't currently have a directory of Wave-savvy accounting professionals, plenty of accountants and bookkeepers do visit the Community. If one of them sees your discussion, they'll be able to reply and follow up with you with more information.

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    Jacinto_ChoJacinto_Cho Member Posts: 16

    Hi there, do you have the Spanish Version?

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    We currently only offer support and support materials in English, but it looks like there are a handful of online PDF translators available. You might have some luck with those!

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    Hot_GlassHot_Glass Member Posts: 45 ✭✭

    Thanks for the guide, it might help me work out the best way to move from Quickbooks to WAVE on the accounting side of things.

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