
Feature Request: Proposals & Contracts

MFMDCMFMDC Member Posts: 8

Hi there,

Not sure if this is the right place to put this or not!

I run a marketing consulting agency, and use Wave for my accounting. The other system I use is Bonsai. I use Bonsai for its proposal feature, contracts, invoicing, and timekeeping.

But this gets messy because the two systems don't sync well together—which means I can't see expected cashflow all in one place. I know Wave does invoices so I could do those with Wave instead, but Bonsai automatically creates my invoices based on the approved contract and it would be extra work for me to manually set them up in Wave.

It would be absolutely amazing if Wave someday expanded to have the same type of proposal and contracts features as Bonsai. While Wave does estimates, that's not the same as a proposal—which has narrative, photos, etc. Then I could just use a single system and have everything in one place.



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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @MFMDC! Thanks for reaching out here. Definitely appreciate all of the context you've offered here, and it sounds like a proposal feature would really improve and impact the way that you currently handle your business! I've moved your inquiry into a slightly more relevant header, being the Sales & Invoicing Feature Ideas section of our Community. This is going to keep it a little more visible when the development teams look into what they can feasibly develop and investigate for future iterations to the platform!

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    Shae_MarcuShae_Marcu Member Posts: 6

    This would also be a massive help to my business to be able to have a way to send contracts to my clients through Wave. I'll be watching this section to see if this is a possibility for Wave to implement the near future. Just wanted to get my message out there so Wave knows it would be huge game changer for me and others like me and @MFMDC.

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    James_nwcicJames_nwcic Member Posts: 1

    This would be nice. Why?
    Currently, I send a proposal to a client using Waves. They accept. Then I have to leave Waves, create a proposal/contract using all the same information from the proposal, therefore copy/paste, copy/paste. Then when they acccept, back to Waves and create a new invoice for a down payment, and another invoice for the rest. Too many steps, so with some clients with large proposals, I skip Waves altogether for all the steps and use PayPal, PDF's, or some other method. Having this would bring 50% of all my jobs to Wave. As it is, Wave is used only for simple jobs.

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    sketchismsketchism Member Posts: 1

    I'm in agreement! Let's make this feature happen. Would love to use this as an alternative option to Estimates.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey folks @James_nwcic @sketchism

    Thanks for your thorough workaround use-case scenario here. This gives our team a bit more context in the arduous methods our users action in our system.

    We're always looking for feedback from our customers on how we can improve our software with every update we make. So we appreciate you reaching out about this and you should know that our developers are always parsing through archived tickets looking for feature updates requested by our users. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other improvements you think we could make to our system!

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    lovepixellovepixel Member Posts: 4

    +1 - This feature would be a big game changer for my business as well.
    Please keep us updated when it is implemented

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    nekeditingnekediting Member Posts: 5

    I agree with everyone who has replied to this thread. I hope this feature becomes a reality.
    It would also be greatly appreciated if this feature includes an e-signature function for contracts.

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    BizHonchosBizHonchos Member Posts: 2

    Yes, please add a CONTRACTS feature!!!

    It would be extremely helpful if we could send Contract(s) for e-signature when sending the estimate(s)/invoice(s).

    This is the ONLY feature lacking from Wave. I'd even be willing to pay a small monthly fee if I could streamline my proposal/contract process along with my estimates and invoices.

    It would be so much easier if clients had the ability to sign the contract and pay the invoice online all in one step. Plus, it would be easier to manage our contracts and invoices all in one spot.

    FYI - SquareUp added contracts last year and it has been a huge hit. They went from beta testing to permanently adding the contract feature in less than a year. Please copy the competitor! :)
    SquareUp - https://squareup.com/us/en/l/build-your-contract.

    ATTENTION: Everyone please click VOTE-UP if you want contracts added to wave! Let's get this request to Wave's executive decision makers ASAP. Thanks!

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone. We've added a Payments Terms of Service which you can add to your invoices if you're specifically processing Payments through Wave. This isn't identical to a contract but it does require that your customer agree to it before paying through Wave Payments which adds an additional layer of protection for you and your business.

    Check it out!

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