Mark Estimates converted to invoices as "accepted" or similar

I guess the title describes the suggestion, but currently in Estimates, each estimate can display "expired", "viewed" etc - but it is quite odd that the estimates that have been converted to invoices don't reflect the conversion.
This would be really handy when for example a customer hasn't yet received the Invoice, but they give you a quote number to look for or just so that you can see what sort of percentage of conversions are made etc.
I'm sure there are many other reasons this would be handy, but it would be a good addition. - thanks for the great system.
Hey there @solosails
You're correct when you mention that once the estimate is converted to an invoice it essentially becomes apart of the invoicing system, not reflecting that change. While our team works rigorously to make some backend updates to our system to implement changes to invoicing, we should hopefully be seeing some updates to our estimates in the coming future. Thanks for the use-case scenario as well, that helps with additional context.
Thanks for the update.
I agree with @solosails. It would be so helpful to have statuses (manual is fine for me) for the estimates: (sent, declined, accepted) to track the workflow and ensure that I'm not duplicating efforts.
I send estimates as an attachment through my CRM so I'm able to format and track the open, click, etc. and gauge the need for appropriate follow up. If Wave can allow for that level of tracking, I could do all of this here, but if not, I'd like to be able to track the status here.
Hey @Meredith_M , thanks for adding this context as to how this feature idea could impact your business. Our team is currently building out other product features and so is not working on making changes to invoice/estimate tracking. Thank you for sharing!
@CallieP Thanks for your response. To be clear, is there a way to have estimates do anything other than "sent" and "expired"? It's confusing that an estimate that became an invoice is "expired" and make it difficult to track follow up.
Hi @Meredith_M , estimates does currently have 4 statuses which are Saved, Sent, Viewed and Expired. Unfortunately, no status for estimates which have been converted into invoices exists.
I can't tell you how helpful this would be. It seems like the most basic tag to add to estimates. Can you please add this function. Otherwise the Estimate page becomes absolutely useless trying to track statuses.