
Bank connection problems

oddsopoddsop Member Posts: 1

After having my bank connected for the past 2 years with minimal issues, for the past four days it has been dogged with problems.
Everytime I try to update it says that the credentials are wrong, despite them never being altered. Yet, every time I go to try and update them, as soon as I click on either the box for username or password, I get the never ending circle of doom as if it has been submitted - yet this doesn't resolve itself, even after leaving it an HOUR!
So, having tried to follow all help list articles and work down the issues, I take the last resort. I delete my bank connection and try to reinstall it. Low and Behold - I try to enter the username and password and the moment the box is clicked on to type into - the circle of doom reappears.

Raised the issue with helpdesk twice and got told "follow the help articles or upload the statements manually"...

Really not helpful.
So whats the issue this time? is it just me at HSBC Business Banking UK which has the issue?

edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @oddsop.

    I'm sorry to hear about your about your bank connection issues.

    Wave partners with a third party integration partner for its bank connection system. This partnership enables Wave to access data from more than 10,000 online banking websites and financial institutions across the world.

    Due to the complexity, number, and variety of banking systems worldwide, issues occasionally arise for all financial platforms that provide this type of functionality. Very often, this is due to banks updating their own systems. Unfortunately, this is an industry-wide phenomenon. Our banking partner works to resolve these incidents as they arise in priority sequence. Wave regularly reports success rates to our banking partner, however, we cannot directly influence resolutions. It is not necessary to initiate a support request for these issues.

    I empathize with how frustrating this must be, but until this is resolved by our bank data provider, you will have to upload your bank statements manually, as mentioned in the email you've received.

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