Glitch with Reconciliation ending balance dates?

PAWSPAWS Member Posts: 2

There's a rather annoying glitch with Reconciliation. It requires that you enter the end of month balance of your bank statement to compare with the Wave balance. However after doing that it never tallies because the wave balance comes up from that of the day before. E.g if you enter the balance of 30.11, the Wave balance will be from 29.11. So you have to go back and look at the actual bank balance on 29.11 to see if it tallies with that of Wave's and then enter the balance for that date. So in the end the accounts are reconciled but never at the actual end of the month date. Anyone know how to fix this? Even if you enter the ending balance date manually, it doesn't work.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @PAWS.

    I think this is a known issue concerning reconciliation and time zones, weirdly enough. Can you try setting the time zone for your computer to EST? It should fix this problem. It has to do with how Wave doesn't exactly recognize time zones. We're working on fixing this, but until that's rolled out, you'll have to change the time zone on your computer when you do reconciliation.

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