
Date upload issues while using Wave Connect from Google Sheet

PratikShahPratikShah Member Posts: 3


When I am trying to upload Bank transactions through google sheet (Wave connect), the date is getting uploaded incorrectly. E.g. actual transaction date is 02nd September, 2019 but once uploaded, it shows 01st Sep, 2019. This is happening with all the subsequent. (it shows actual date less one day).

Kindly guide.


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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hello @PratikShah,

    Thank you for reporting this.

    Could you please tell me:

    1. What your time zone is, as set in your computer, and
    2. What the time zone set in your Google Sheet is.

    The Sheets timezone displays when you go to File > Spreadsheet Settings.

    Thank you.

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    PratikShahPratikShah Member Posts: 3

    Hi @PaulC ,

    thank you for quick revert.
    I have set up Indian Standard Time (IST) in Google Sheet and same in my computer.

    Kindly advice.


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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Thank you @PratikShah. This will help us investigate the issue you are experiencing.

    For now, if you set the time zone of your Google Sheet (only the Sheet; no need to change anything about the time zone of your computer) to Toronto time, then you should not experience this problem any more.

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    neverStopLearningneverStopLearning Member Posts: 3

    The same happened to me! I even formatted the date so it matched the date formate for the website: YYYY-MM-DD. All my dates was one date off just like you. I had over 700 entries so it took a long long long time to go back and fix it.

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    ShafiiShafii Member Posts: 1

    Yes, I'm also facing same problem. The date become 1 day earlier after uploaded by Googlesheet

    edited August 10, 2020
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