Receipts - duplication

vikingesuvikingesu Member Posts: 2

Hi, I am new to Wave. I am looking through the features to see if I can use it for a Scout Unit I am treasurer for. So far so good!

A question regarding receipts. I have uploaded some receipts and which relate to card transactions. When I go to the transaction view, duplicate transactions are showing. One from the bank statement import and one from the uploaded receipt. How can I stop this happening? Does wave search for these duplicates? Can I merge them?

Also, it would be useful to select an expense in the transaction view and have a link back to the receipt that is linked to it. Is this possible?




  • CleanBeerCleanBeer Member Posts: 2

    This is an issue that is constant with Wave. They say they are working on a solution but this problem goes back quite a while. I guess their old platform had a merge feature but for some reason this "upgraded" version does not.

    The answer I've been given is to just delete one of the receipts.. but now my questions is, which one? Does it matter which one gets deleted?

    Now that I have sales coming in I am having the same problem. Duplicates. One from the invoice and one from the bank. If I am to delete one of them in order to balance my books, which one should I delete?

  • vikingesuvikingesu Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for the reply. My work around for the time being is to create an account named 'Card transactions'. When it appears in the bank statement I allocate it to a transfer to the 'Card transactions' account. I then set the receipt to withdraw from the 'Card transactions' account. At least this way I don't have to delete transactions.

    However, this raises another question... from looking around the platform, you cant bulk tag transfers?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @vikingesu.

    There is a merge feature in the works to make this process easier, but until then, we just recommend deleting the transaction imported from your bank. That way your numbers will all match up and you'll get to store copies of your receipts in Wave.

  • alex89alex89 Member Posts: 1

    Hi @Alexia

    But deleting the transaction from the bank won't erase it from the "wave report" and therefore it's impossible to make any reconciliation of the accounts.
    I did contact your support for this issue but they told me to merge the receipt . So I don't see any solution for now exept not using the software for receipt as it's not fully ready. Please let me know if you have any other solution, I really like this feature.


    edited March 29, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @alex89.

    If you delete a transaction from your Transactions page, it will disappear everywhere, including from your reports, you just have to make sure to delete the one that was uploaded through your bank connection, and not the one linked to your receipt.

    Can you give me a little more details about the issue your encountering?

  • ironstablegarageironstablegarage Member Posts: 1

    Why would they have removed the merge feature for deposits? Knowing that if you link a bank account it's going to show the deposits. And if you put the program in the way you have it setup for people to use that when they record a payment using the invoice system that it's going to duplicate that deposit and there's no way tune out easily or feasibly merge the two deposits. It seems ridiculous that such an helpful feature would have been removed. And do we have any idea when it can be put back on?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ironstablegarage.

    It's not that we've removed the merge feature, it's that we aren't quite done rebuilding it for the new version. We do plan on improving on this feature significantly, but it won't be released until we know it won't affect the integrity of your data. I don't have a timeline to offer at this moment, but our engineers are on the job.

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