
Customer VAT/SALES TAX REG Number Field PLEASE!

KuagizaKuagiza Member Posts: 1

Hello Wave,

We have been blown away by Wave's capability and ease of use..

One little feature that seems an ommission is a field in Customer Details where one can input the Customers' VAT Registration number (Sales Tax Reference Number)

In the short term we are inputting this information in the Customer Contact Person Fields but as our business grows and more users need to use the platform to process estimates and invoices this will inevitably lead to some confusion!

Thank you again for an amazing bit of software!

The Kuagiza Team


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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey there @Kuagiza team, thanks for your message! Being able to add more customizable elements to a customer isn't something our team is currently working on - but this is an interesting idea! To be totally transparent, we will not likely launch any VAT-specific features (as opposed to general customer customization), as Wave is a worldwide software, so it is difficult for us to offer region-specific features like this. That said, feedback like this helps us learn how to improve the user experience, so thank you for sharing with us here!

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    AsheAUSAsheAUS Member Posts: 3

    Australian here....

    Its not just a VAT specific feature to be honest, we are required to display our clients Australian Business Number on our tax invoices as well and any invoice over $1000 without that is not valid.

    Perhaps simply an additional line/field we can add to the customers details that will display on the invoice under their address for example could be used for whichever country requirements are needed, rather than a specific field.

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    arnoldmarnoldm Member Posts: 1

    same is South Africa it is a legal requirement for all tax invoices

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    KunjalKunjal Member Posts: 1

    same is for India. We need to add GST# to all our tax invoices no matter what the amount is and we are clearly struggling to get that sorted.

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    MartinRangelovMartinRangelov Member Posts: 1

    Same for all of Europe - the company registration code needs to be specified. It would be best to add a field that is optional and everyone, which would be many countries that need it, can just opt in and by default it will be switched off for those who don't use it

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