
Etsy and Shoeboxed Integrations will cease on 31st July, 2020

PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

Wave's integrations for Etsy and Shoeboxed are no longer available to install as of the middle of June, 2020.

If you are an existing user of one or both of these integrations, transactions will continue to import until July 31st, 2020.

Wave's integrations with Etsy and Shoeboxed have been withdrawn from our integrations page, and are no longer available to install. If you have one or both of these integrations already installed for your Wave business, automated transaction imports will continue until July 31st, but from that date the integrations will be automatically removed from your Wave account.

If you currently have an Etsy or Shoebox integration in your Wave business and uninstall it before July 31st, you will be unable to re-install it.


Why is Wave retiring its Etsy and Shoeboxed integrations?

Both these integrations were created a long time ago, and form part of the previous generation of Wave's accounting product. As Etsy and Shoeboxed - and Wave itself - have developed, these integrations have come to fit less well with how each service is designed and operates.

Following the complete rollout of our latest accounting version to all customers, and as we prepare to de-commission the last servers that powered our legacy accounting software, we have reviewed how these integrations are being used and considered whether to rebuild them.

On balance, we are not seeing enough usage of these integrations to justify the investment needed to re-build them as part of our new accounting software and maintain them into the future, and for this reason we have decided to retire them.

What's my alternative to get my transactions into Wave?

Wave provides the ability to capture e-commerce sales transactions from a huge variety of platforms via its Zapier integration. Additionally, Integromat has built an integration to Wave that can create bookkeeping transactions. Integromat also offer integrations with Etsy.

At this moment, we do not have a Zapier integration that would be suitable for transferring data from Shoeboxed, however we will continue to invest in building out our Zapier integration to provide more features that allow customers to integrate their choice of third-party services. A suitable integration point via Zapier will become available later this year.

Additionally, by exporting data from your Etsy or Shoeboxed account to a google spreadsheet, you have the option to upload to Wave using our Wave Connect Google Sheets add-on.

What's the chance that Wave will reconsider and build new Shoeboxed or Etsy integrations in the future?

It is highly unlikely that Wave will re-build either of these integrations. Our current approach to integrations is to enable integration tools, such as Zapier and Integromat, and to provide an open API that will allow third-party developers to create stand-alone integration apps where they see a market opportunity.

We would certainly encourage any independent developer that is interested in building and marketing an integration add-on for either of these platforms.



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    ClaireWryghtAccountsClaireWryghtAccounts Member Posts: 19 ✭✭

    This is pretty disappointing as one of the users who has enjoyed the Etsy integration for 5 years. There seems to be a lot of features been removed but I'm not seeing any new features replacing them? Just an observation,

    Also this statement is incorrect "Wave provides the ability to capture e-commerce sales transactions from a huge variety of platforms using Zapier, and this would be a good alternative to the existing Etsy integration." Zapier is not connected to Etsy https://zapier.com/apps/etsy/integrations took all of 30 seconds to check.

    Please update the post so as not to mislead readers.

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for your comment @ClaireWryghtAccounts. You're absolutely right about Zapier. I apologize, and have corrected accordingly. Integromat is the integrator that offers connections to both Wave and Etsy.

    Picking up on your comment that you have seen features retired and fewer new features added, I think it is fair to say that Wave's focus has been on building and enhancing features for customers who use Wave as a primary tool to operate their business, and as such much of our work has focused in Sales/Invoicing/Payments, and Payroll.

    While we have been steadily improving our Accounting software, we have not been investing heavily in dedicated tools to support users whose business primarily operates on other platforms - with Etsy being an example of this. What we have done instead is focus on providing open, public APIs, that would allow other platforms to build connections to Wave's free accounting software if they see this as a benefit to their customers.

    I hope the Integromat suggestion proves helpful.

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    archivesutaharchivesutah Member Posts: 5

    Why am I getting a notice that " PayPal - This integration will no longer be available after July 31st, 2020" with a link to this post?

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    PaulDPaulD Member Posts: 4

    @archivesutah said:
    Why am I getting a notice that " PayPal - This integration will no longer be available after July 31st, 2020" with a link to this post?

    Came to post the same. Is Paypal getting deleted as well? Will there be a replacement way to connect a Paypal account?

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    arod7533arod7533 Member Posts: 2

    I'm also getting a link to this post saying Paypal will get deleted. Is this accurate? I really hope not, it is critical that Wave have Paypal integration.

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Thank you @archivesutah @PaulD @arod7533 for alerting us to this.

    At this time, we are only retiring Shoeboxed and Etsy integrations. The notification reflects your active integrations, and is displaying for PayPal in error. The team are addressing this now.

    For the sake of full transparency, however, I need to comment that PayPal have deprecated the APIs that we use to provide our PayPal integration. At this time, they are still allowing us to make use of them, however they are no longer providing support for those APIs, and this increasingly impacts our ability to provide a reliable integration for PayPal users. Our ability to maintain this integration indefinitely is not certain.

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    PaulDPaulD Member Posts: 4

    @PaulC said:
    Thank you @archivesutah @PaulD @arod7533 for alerting us to this.

    At this time, we are only retiring Shoeboxed and Etsy integrations. The notification reflects your active integrations, and is displaying for PayPal in error. The team are addressing this now.

    For the sake of full transparency, however, I need to comment that PayPal have deprecated the APIs that we use to provide our PayPal integration. At this time, they are still allowing us to make use of them, however they are no longer providing support for those APIs, and this increasingly impacts our ability to provide a reliable integration for PayPal users. Our ability to maintain this integration indefinitely is not certain.

    Thank you for your honesty. I have noticed on my account that Paypal does not automatically update. I need to go in and force an update. I don't mind that extra step, but to have it taken away completely would be a huge blow to my records. Hopefully it does not come to that and you are able to work something out in the future. Thank you again.

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    archivesutaharchivesutah Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for the update! I also have trouble with the PayPal integration, good to know why. I'm currently trying Zapier. I'll have to edit each transaction though (unless maybe I can experiment with matching invoices? Not a big deal at all for our amount of business).

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    penpaling_paulapenpaling_paula Member Posts: 1


    I have been using the Etsy integration for a quite a few months now and my question is, once the integration dissapears we will still have our Etsy incomes from before July 31st in the Transactions right? Those won't be deleted?

    The only thing that will change is that we will have to manually add the Etsy incomes from July 31st onwards.

    Thank you in advance for your response,

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hello @penpaling_paula ,
    Yes, that is correct. All existing transactions will remain in place.
    Thanks for checking in on that.

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    KKraftsKKrafts Member Posts: 6

    Losing Etsy integration is very disappointing. That was one of the main reasons for selecting Wave for our accounting. PayPal integration equally so.

    It's also one of the main reasons we've been recommending Wave to fellow small business crafters, most of whom are not technical and have no idea how to configure Zapier/Integromat to automate transaction importing.

    Furthermore, if a business has any kind of monthly volume, both Zapier and Integromat charges monthly fees, which totally negates the reason for not using Quickbooks, which DOES have these integrations, as part of their SINGLE monthly fee, and as such, becomes the cheaper option for small business owners relying on automation.

    I see this leading to a steep drop in new Wave customers and makes me question the future viability of Wave. User growth is essential. If you're not offering the same services as competing platforms, you're not going to able to attract near as many small business owners.

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    elisemartinsonelisemartinson Member Posts: 9

    First Australian bank integrations were ended and now Etsy imports (at least the latter was done at the end of the financial year). I have to do so much manually now that I am looking at other options. I would have likely paid a fee to Wave to keep these integrations and remained on the system but more and more it looks like I will have to move my accounting to another platform.

    Have you tested to see if there's a demand for a subscription model to justify keeping some features?

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    itisnot_meitisnot_me Member Posts: 4

    I feel at the very least you could work with Integromat in order to come up with recipes/templates so that we can correctly add the transactions. There is zero recipes/templates and trying to create something, yes i have been trying, is more difficult that it looks. And I do believe that i am going to be doing this wrong

    I can guarantee that if i am having an issue setting this up way more users are and are going to get frustrated and leave the platform.

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for your message @KKrafts.

    As you know, Wave's accounting software is entirely free to use. Wave makes money mostly when customers in the US or Canada send invoices and accept payments via Wave. Etsy sellers receive the vast majority of their payments via Etsy/Paypal, so most never contribute any revenue to Wave.

    At Wave, we are huge advocates for entrepreneurs and small business, and believe in providing easy-to-use accounting software free to anyone who wants to use it. We believe that an automated integration from Etsy to Wave's free accounting software is valuable for Etsy's customers, but that does not necessarily mean that Wave can sensibly invest in re-building and maintaining that integration.

    As you correctly point out, if you use Zapier or Integromat at any scale, they will charge for the service. You also have the option to subscribe and pay to use Quickbooks, which has some Etsy integration. With the retirement of Wave's Etsy integration, however, what no longer exists is an automated, entirely free, way to bookkeep your Etsy business.

    If the Integromat route is not attractive to you, you might want to explore how to export Etsy sales to a spreadsheet and upload using Wave Connect which is free if you have a GSuite account.

    Alternatively (or additionally), please consider reaching out to Etsy and asking them to Integrate to Wave. We have an open, public API, and are very happy to have third-party software platforms integrate to Wave to provide bookkeeping services to their customers.

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi @elisemartinson,

    Great question about a subscription model for additional features.

    While this is not on Wave's agenda at this time, we provide an open, public API, and encourage any independent developers who see commercial opportunities to build integrations that meet the needs of specific groups. Over time, this will allow Wave customers who want to pay for additional features to have access to a range of extra tools.

    To automate bank transaction import from Australian banks, you can subscribe to Autofile.ML's Bank2Wave service, which will do this for you.


    Hope that helps.

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi there @itisnot_me,
    Integromat's Wave integration is built and maintained by Integromat, so you should reach out to them if you are looking for setup support.
    Our developer support team would love to help out if Integromat need guidance or help with any aspect of writing to Wave's API. They can reach us at https://developer.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.

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    KKraftsKKrafts Member Posts: 6

    Hi @itisnot_me . I'm having the same experience with Integromat - I'm reasonably tech savvy, but I'm not able to get an Etsy transaction scenario to work properly.

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    KKraftsKKrafts Member Posts: 6

    Thanks @PaulC for your reply.

    I think you misunderstood the point I was trying to make. If users have to pay Zapier for PayPal AND Integromat for Etsy integrations to Wave, those monthly subscription fees are double what competing accounting software charges for their services, which includes both those integrations as well as other services that Wave charges fees for.

    So financially, it simply ends up not making sense to end users and it hurts your competitiveness with those other accounting solutions.

    I can understand your point about PayPal - and when it looked like it was just PayPal integration that was disappearing, I was considering switching my invoicing over to Wave (although I would need to see what buyer/seller protection that includes, as that's a selling point for a lot of buyers). But the loss of Etsy integration doesn't really make sense to me. Wave doesn't offer an alternative to Etsy services. And the alternative solution suggested doesn't financially add up (per my point above).

    Finally, as pointed out by others on this thread, Integromat does not appear to have a ready solution for Etsy transaction integration to Wave. Many, if not most, small business owners aren't necessarily tech savvy, so if, in addition to paying for a subscription, they also have to pay to have the integration developed for them, the financial side falls apart altogether. I'd been recommending Wave as a solution to a lot of fellow crafters running small businesses. But I know they'd not be able to configure Integromat for this automation, so it makes it difficult to, in good faith, recommend a solution I know they wouldn't be able to use.

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    itisnot_meitisnot_me Member Posts: 4

    @KKrafts said:
    Hi @itisnot_me . I'm having the same experience with Integromat - I'm reasonably tech savvy, but I'm not able to get an Etsy transaction scenario to work properly.

    Right! I have even set up a google doc for it to stream to but nothing is working. They dont make it easy. I assume we are supposed to import the ledger

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    ClaireWryghtAccountsClaireWryghtAccounts Member Posts: 19 ✭✭

    If I read the Integromat correctly, the charge only starts at 1,000 transactions per month but for the life of me I haven't been able to set up the integration to actually work.

    It's a shame the tech savvy staff at Wave don't have a free hour to spend creating a guide on Integromat to help their customers adjust to the changes Wave have made.

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    normandlounormandlou Member Posts: 1

    @archivesutah said:
    Thanks for the update! I also have trouble with the PayPal integration, good to know why. I'm currently trying Zapier. I'll have to edit each transaction though (unless maybe I can experiment with matching invoices? Not a big deal at all for our amount of business).

    I've had the same issue.

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    AllThingsStampedAllThingsStamped Member Posts: 1

    This is very disappointing news. :|

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    AkashpaulAkashpaul Member Posts: 1

    Hello guys!

    Thanks, @PaulC for mentioning Integromat.

    I'm Akash from the Integromat team. We are working on a few templates for Etsy and Wave this will help you to create a scenario in Integromat in few steps. Once it is published I will post another comment.

    I'm also sharing a detailed step by step guide -

    Scenario Goal - Watch for New Shop Receipts and add it as a transaction in the Wave account.

    Step 1 -

    Open your Integromat Dashboard - Select Create a New Scenario

    Step 2 - Select Etsy and Wave from the list of the apps and press continue

    Step 3 - Add Etsy > Watch Shop Receipts module and configure the Shop Id and select New Shop Receipt from the option.

    This module will look for new records as per your schedule your scenario.

    Step 4 - Add the next module Etsy > Find Transactions and configure as follows.

    Select Search By - Shop Receipts
    Select the Same Shop id from the previous step.
    Enable the receipt id map option and map the receipt id from the Watch Shop receipts module output.

    Step 5 - Add Wave > Create a transaction module and map the parameters as shown below.

    Step 6 - Schedule your scenario as per your convenient

    Here you can learn more about scenario scheduling - Scheduling a scenario

    Hope this helps, should you require further assistance please feel free to contact Integromat support

    Best regards,


    edited July 22, 2020
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    btrengovebtrengove Member Posts: 1

    I have to admit that this is disappointing news on both the Etsy and PayPal front. I have been using WaveApp for quite a few years and have struggled with the awkward interface. I was finally really happy with some f the changes you have made. But unfortunately I will be looking for a new solution. As a small business owner I do not need more things to do manually. This is frustrating news right in the middle of the calendar year (and in the middle of a pandemic when we are short staffed) I do not want to start all over SMH - better timing would have been appreciated.

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    itisnot_meitisnot_me Member Posts: 4

    As seen above, I have been in contact with Integromat.com to fill the gap with wave is abandoning. We do have a few things to work out but so far i am able to import some transactions. I will be working with them closer in order to make sure that we can get templates created to help everyone here

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    KKraftsKKrafts Member Posts: 6

    @itisnot_me said:

    @KKrafts said:
    Hi @itisnot_me . I'm having the same experience with Integromat - I'm reasonably tech savvy, but I'm not able to get an Etsy transaction scenario to work properly.

    Right! I have even set up a google doc for it to stream to but nothing is working. They dont make it easy. I assume we are supposed to import the ledger

    So, update for if you're also using Zapier for PayPal. PayPal is considered a Premium service and Zapier charges of $24.99/month for the lowest plan that supports this. So between Zapier and Integromat, it would cost a minimum of $33.99/month to maintain integrations between PayPal, Etsy and Wave.

    So at this, signing up for a different accounting service that includes these integrations in their subscription becomes the financially sounder solution, unfortunately :(

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    itisnot_meitisnot_me Member Posts: 4

    @KKrafts said:

    @itisnot_me said:

    @KKrafts said:
    Hi @itisnot_me . I'm having the same experience with Integromat - I'm reasonably tech savvy, but I'm not able to get an Etsy transaction scenario to work properly.

    Right! I have even set up a google doc for it to stream to but nothing is working. They dont make it easy. I assume we are supposed to import the ledger

    So, update for if you're also using Zapier for PayPal. PayPal is considered a Premium service and Zapier charges of $24.99/month for the lowest plan that supports this. So between Zapier and Integromat, it would cost a minimum of $33.99/month to maintain integrations between PayPal, Etsy and Wave.

    So at this, signing up for a different accounting service that includes these integrations in their subscription becomes the financially sounder solution, unfortunately :(

    Integromat has a free option and they are working with me to create a solution. They might be able to work with you.

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    cieldafford123cieldafford123 Member Posts: 1

    I am deeply disappointed and frustrated to hear this. Literally the only reason I use Wave is for Etsy accounting, so I guess I have to find some other accouting software, in addition to trying to stay afloat during a pandemic. Bye Wave, it's been a nice 5 years but I guess none of that matters to you

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    Fan_Fan1Fan_Fan1 Member Posts: 1

    I hope I wills till be able to upload Etsy CSV files :/

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    riperipe Member Posts: 1

    @Akashpaul said:
    Hello guys!

    Thanks, @PaulC for mentioning Integromat.

    I'm Akash from the Integromat team. We are working on a few templates for Etsy and Wave this will help you to create a scenario in Integromat in few steps. Once it is published I will post another comment.

    I'm also sharing a detailed step by step guide -

    Scenario Goal - Watch for New Shop Receipts and add it as a transaction in the Wave account.

    Step 1 -

    Open your Integromat Dashboard - Select Create a New Scenario

    Step 2 - Select Etsy and Wave from the list of the apps and press continue

    Step 3 - Add Etsy > Watch Shop Receipts module and configure the Shop Id and select New Shop Receipt from the option.

    This module will look for new records as per your schedule your scenario.

    Step 4 - Add the next module Etsy > Find Transactions and configure as follows.

    Select Search By - Shop Receipts
    Select the Same Shop id from the previous step.
    Enable the receipt id map option and map the receipt id from the Watch Shop receipts module output.

    Step 5 - Add Wave > Create a transaction module and map the parameters as shown below.

    Step 6 - Schedule your scenario as per your convenient

    Here you can learn more about scenario scheduling - Scheduling a scenario

    Hope this helps, should you require further assistance please feel free to contact Integromat support

    Best regards,


    Thank you for this. I created an account and I created the scenario that you illustrated. My question is what about someone who has two Etsy shops. I have two shops, so I would like to create a scenario or two scenarios that will integrate both shops (each has a different Etsy login). I tried doing it, but it have me a token error page when trying to add the second shop. Thanks for your help.

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