
Pipedrive to Zapier to new Wave invoice

onlinejoelonlinejoel Member Posts: 4

Pipedrive and Wave have an integration. One of the options in their integration is to create a new invoice. In Zapier I keep getting an error: Invalid customer id: 0

Is it possible to update a card in Pipedrive and have a new invoice created in Wave?


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    RobVGRobVG Member Posts: 53 admin

    Hi @onlinejoel,

    While I am not familiar with Pipedrive specifically, it sounds like the value being provided into Wave from a source is not being accepted. Can you share a screenshot of how you have configured the "Create Invoice" action in terms of providing a value into the "Customer" input. This value is expected to be a customer id (may be shown in Zapier as the customer's name) and customer record must exist within Wave.

    In order for me to investigate more specifically, I would need you to direct message me your business name and customer id you are trying to use.

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    RobVGRobVG Member Posts: 53 admin

    It looks like you don't have a multi zap setup. One key factor in this process is finding the Wave equivalent customer record for a Pipedrive record.

    One way to do this is to use the "Find Customer" action:

    And then pass in your Pipedrive information (currently requires an email address for lookup):

    Note that you can also tell Zapier how to create a customer record in Wave if it does find a match.

    And finally, create a third step with "Invoice Create" action to use the result of the second step where we found the Wave customer record. We pass in the id of the Wave customer as input:

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    onlinejoelonlinejoel Member Posts: 4

    Can this be accomplished without using multi-zap? I'm just getting started with Zapier and it doesn't make sense for me to buy a subscription at this stage. Thanks for your help!

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    RobVGRobVG Member Posts: 53 admin

    The "Invoice Create" action requires the Wave customer's id, so before we get to this step, it needs to know this value. As mentioned, I think the easiest way is with the "Find Customer" action. The only other way I can think of is if Pipedrive from step 1 was able to provide this value. Having not used Pipedrive before, I am not sure if that software has a way to store and provide the Wave id for the customer. I would suggest contacting their support for more information.

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    onlinejoelonlinejoel Member Posts: 4

    @RobVG said:
    The "Invoice Create" action requires the Wave customer's id, so before we get to this step, it needs to know this value. As mentioned, I think the easiest way is with the "Find Customer" action. The only other way I can think of is if Pipedrive from step 1 was able to provide this value. Having not used Pipedrive before, I am not sure if that software has a way to store and provide the Wave id for the customer. I would suggest contacting their support for more information.

    Thanks so much for your time!
    Pipedrive can store the customer ID in a variety of ways.

    It's definitely possible to do this as a multi-zap, but that would cost about $30/CAD to do and it's more than I want to spend.

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