
[Receipts] Error when uploading receipt on web

SengSeng Member Posts: 2

Good Day,

I've tried to update some of the receipt to wave from web, tried to refresh and relogin wave account but still experiencing the same issue since the past hour.

Is it the feature is currently down for maintenance?

You may refer to the screenshot below for more information of the error. There's no error code provided.

Thank you.



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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Seng , are you getting this error message when trying to upload the same image or have you tried uploading multiple different images/receipts?

    If you're still having this trouble, can you try using a different browser / uploading through an incognito window?

    Please let us know if this works for you.

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    innocubeinnocube Member Posts: 1

    I'm actually having the same problem as Seng. I have tried Chrome, Chrome Incognito, Firefox. I've tried uploading different receipts and pictures but getting the same error.

    I got desperate enough that I also tried different computers! Nothing has worked so far.

    edited July 13, 2020
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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @innocube! Sorry to hear that. What kind of receipt are you attempting to upload? Do you have an example of a photo you're trying to submit? I think the missing context piece here might be the actual receipt itself, and I'd love to try this in a test account on my end.

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    Coco_Pizza_Company1Coco_Pizza_Company1 Member Posts: 1

    Having the same issues as mentioned above. Could it be a file size restriction? The receipt I am trying to upload is 3 pages.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Coco_Pizza_Company1

    Our receipt transaction uploader is not necessarily designed for this type of receipt upload so it could very well be the size. Have you stitched this three page receipt together? Have you compressed the file size? I have a feeling our receipt uploader won't be able to document all of this :disappointed:

    With that being said, these types of receipt transactions won't be able to be documented in Wave.

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    SengSeng Member Posts: 2

    @AlexL said:
    Hey @Seng , are you getting this error message when trying to upload the same image or have you tried uploading multiple different images/receipts?

    If you're still having this trouble, can you try using a different browser / uploading through an incognito window?

    Please let us know if this works for you.

    Good Day,

    Here's an update and I guess I've found the solution for the issue. It is possible due to the PDF file size issue or some sort of it. For the PDF files that I am not able to upload, I will open the PDF and print as Microsoft PDF and save it as a new file. Then, upload the newly printed as PDF file and upload it to WaveApps Receipts and it works.

    Hope if anyone facing such issue can use the suggested method above to get your PDF file to be uploaded to the Receipts.

    Have a great day everyone!

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    TaraSphereTaraSphere Member Posts: 1

    Can anyone tell me what the file size limit is for uploading receipts? I imported 359 receipts all at once, but 10 of them failed, and I do not know which ones. I'm trying to narrow down my search by file size. Please let me know. Thanks!

    edited March 8, 2021
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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @TaraSphere !

    After doing some digging, there doesn't appear to be a file size limit I'm afraid. However, since you uploaded a hefty 359 receipts, it's possible that our system crashed during the upload process, causing the 10 receipts to fail. With that being said, my suggestion here is to start over and upload your receipts in smaller batches. I would try uploading 50 receipts at a time. This should prevent any potential crashes and it will also help you narrow down your search if any receipts fail to upload. I hope this helps!

    edited March 12, 2021
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