
Search customer by email

chklffchklff Member Posts: 5

Can't find any option in API reference to search customers by email.
Looks like this option not available at all please suggest https://cln.sh/yfij1m


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    StepanStepan Member Posts: 9 admin

    Hi @chklff

    You may use a customer email filter in business -> customers query, according to the API documentation. E.g.

    query CustomerByEmail($businessId: ID!, $email: String) {
      business(id: $businessId) {
        customers(email: $email) {
          edges {
            node {
    edited July 2, 2020
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    chklffchklff Member Posts: 5

    Hey, @skupyak Is there anything like this bu for name? Like a CustomerByName ?

    Thank you in advance!

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    RobVGRobVG Member Posts: 53 admin

    Hi @chklff,

    There is only support for searching by email currently. I will forward this request to the team.

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    MBiTMBiT Member Posts: 5

    I posted a comment / suggestion on this similar topic at the bottom of this discussion for those who may want to comment:

    Hoping for a WAVE PLUGIN PROGRAM very soon..

    Capability to search in invoice

    Really Love WAVE, thank you!

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