

Heather2301Heather2301 Member Posts: 5

I have recently tried to start using your software for my accounting, connected two of my bank accounts and shortly thereafter had illegal log-ins to both accounts. I have therefore had to change my login details in order not to compromise security. I am therefore loath to continue using your automatic log-ins to the bank and would prefer to manually capture my bank account transactions. Is this possible and have you had other security breaches before? I am in South Africa and use both Standard Bank and Absa.

edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Heather2301.

    In Wave, when you connect your bank account, our system will routinely log in to update transactions and balances. Generally, this is done every 24 hours from varying I.P. addresses. If your bank notifies you of access to your bank, this can seem quite disconcerting, I understand. We can't guarantee that your account has not been breached from another outside source, (coincidences can occur) but can say that our system does cause these kinds of notifications from your bank.

    If you would like to see our privacy terms and the privacy terms of our bank data provider, I'm happy to provide them to you.

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