Citi Connection Failing Every Time

HumanEarHumanEar Member Posts: 2

Hi, for some reason I can't seem to get my Citi credit card account to connect. I've got US Bank CC card done, checking account done. Just not this one last item. Keeps failing on authentication though I'm 100% positive it's the correct user/pass. Any ideas or am I just SOL?


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @HumanEar! Thanks for reaching out here. As of late, our third party banking partner has been seeing some issues connecting to Citibank. I'm sorry for the inconvenience here, as we do not have an ETA on a fix, but rest assured the teams are aware and have been looking into this! It should just be a matter of time.

  • HumanEarHumanEar Member Posts: 2

    Thanks, Connor! I will await patiently. :-)

  • AndyBoBandyAndyBoBandy Member Posts: 1

    I didn't have any issues before you switched to a new 3rd party banking partner. Now 2 of my 4 accounts can't connect, which is ridiculous. Why would you use a 3rd party banking partner that is not able to import from major banking institutions?!?! Sorry, I've been patient for months now, if this doesn't get resolved very soon I'll be totally screwed at the end of the year.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @AndyBoBandy! I can see that our Support Team has reached out with regards to your frustrations here, but I will echo that I do apologize you've experienced these frustrations as of late. I'm hoping that your continued conversation with our Support Team via email will provide some solutions to your challenges.

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