Adding a markup

I would like a field where I can put in the cost of an item and the markup % to give me my selling price.
I would like a field where I can put in the cost of an item and the markup % to give me my selling price.
Hey @Jacques_Marx73! Thanks for reaching out here. Unfortunately, at present, this is not something that would be available within Wave. I'm sorry for the inconvenience here! As a workaround, you might want to perform this calculation outside of Wave, and then enter the product price in during product creation.
Can we please have a mark up and a discount button added to the app please. mark up for sale items as well as on total invoice.
As well as a discount button that if the customer ask for a price adjustment we can then go to that button and add percentage discount or dollar amount discount
Also a request a deposit button
Can you guys please add a request a deposit button on the app