
Using "New Payment" in Wave as a trigger for Zapier

JDavisJDavis Member Posts: 1

Hi there,

TL;DR: I want new payments in Wave to trigger a Zapier automation that records the payment in a my invoicing software (Estimate Rocket).

I'm a painting contractor and I use Estimate Rocket (ER) to generate my estimates. I also use ER to generate my invoices/work orders/change orders/receipts. It works great and I love it. I'm now trying to improve the automation in my business using Zapier.

Right now when I create an invoice in ER, it triggers Zapier to create an invoice in Wave. I'm happy with this integration. But when I receive payment, that needs to originate in Wave (because credit card payments are made through Wave). When a payment is recorded in Wave, it'd like it to also be recorded in ER. But I can't figure out how to make a new payment a trigger event in Zapier.

Please help! Thanks


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    RobVGRobVG Member Posts: 53 admin

    Hey @JDavis,

    This is a great feature suggestion and I will take it back to the team. Unfortunately this is not currently available though, sorry.

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    KingNAMSKingNAMS Member Posts: 3

    I would also very much like this feature to be implemented!

    @RobVG could this be achieved through the API if it's not on the roadmap for Zapier?

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    Linda_ByrneLinda_Byrne Member Posts: 13 admin

    @KingNAMS It is a good feature suggestion however we currently don't have the ability to send events when payments are made. We'll keep it in mind for future development though.


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