
Reconciling Wave to Bank Account

DanVDanV Member Posts: 5

My Wave account is linked to my bank account, yet I'm getting discrepancies with the following 3 items, 1. Total Income, 2. Wages, and Payroll Taxes, Each is off by over 20%. Income is understated, while Taxes and Wages are overstated. As a result, I'm showing a net less which is fairly close to my net profit when compared to my bank transactions, which may be a coincidence but that seems doubtful. I create and record payments for using invoices in Wave, payroll is run through Wave. I use Wave Payroll Tax calculations to pay all of my monthly and quarterly taxes. Please help.


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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @DanV! Thanks for reaching out here. Since this is something that would be a bit more involved, and would be referencing sensitive data within your account, I'd recommend reaching out to our support team through an email. To do this, you can click 'Help' in your Wave business, and our chatbot will route you to the team after you explain your situation.

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