
Wave not responsive to users' requirements?

DashamDasham Member Posts: 1

I'm just assessing which invoicing system to use and Wave keeps losing points as I test it, find something missing / a nuisance and then see that other people have requested the same feature a long time ago and nothing has changed - apart from admin adding another post saying, "thanks for your feedback, we might implement that one day!"

E.g. https://community.waveapps.com/discussion/4804/default-payment-terms

Default payment terms of 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 days. But not 7?! I want 7 days as I'm sure many users do. It's a completely trivial bit of coding that would take seconds for someone to add.

Then there are the requests for estimates added to the app that people have been making for years with nothing in sight, just vague promises that it will arrive one day.

How about adding a markup to products? Requested years ago and still no sign of it. This is basic functionality, needed by many people.

I'd rather support a smaller company like Wave than Quickbooks, but not at the expense of missing functionality that has been missing for years....

edited July 4, 2020 in Wave Discussion


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    IloDIloD Member Posts: 3

    One more vote for adding the ability to customise the payment terms for invoices.

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