Clarification around the Inventory workaround

GaryNiemenGaryNiemen Member Posts: 8

Hi, I know that Wave doesn't directly support Inventory - but that there is a workaround. I have read the workaround page. I just wanted to, even so, express here what I am looking for to get views on whether what we need is catered for. So we are a small natural health practice. Our main business is services but we do buy and sell products as well. Not a huge amount but enough to want an easy and efficient handling. Often, somebody will come for a treatment and will then buy a few products. So does Wave handle in a fairly easy way the buying of, say, a box of 12 products and then the selling of those products one by one. Is it easy to record and see what is going on. And can one put the products on to an invoice and see that the inventory has gone down (or to say it another way, does the inventory go down when you put a product on an invoice). So, in summary, is the Wave workaround enough to handle the above fairly straightforward scenario? Or are there valuable pieces missing?
Regards Gary


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @GaryNiemen.

    The answer is not exactly. There's no way to track quantities in Wave, only value. You could handle it, but you'd have to track the quantities of your items externally. The workaround we offer essentially suggest adding up the value of all of your products and working off of that. But no, tracking item count isn't something that can be done in Wave.

  • GaryNiemenGaryNiemen Member Posts: 8

    Is there a direct link between the invoice and the inventory. I mean when we add things to the invoice, does it automatically get taken off (in value) from the inventory. Or does one have to do another step - that is, add a journal entry for each product sold?

    edited March 30, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @GaryNiemen.

    No, it isn't automated. You'll have to do it through a journal entry. You can find the whole process outlined here.

    I understand that this isn't ideal, as it's very much a workaround for a feature that Wave doesn't support, but it works for a few of our users.

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