
Paid Invoice shows as overdue

MiguelPhoenixMiguelPhoenix Member Posts: 3

I have a recurring invoice that my client paid via credit card. The payment is reflected in the payments tab. When I click on invoice, the invoice has a red highlight with over due. How can I fix this?

The payment was made over 10 days ago.


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @MiguelPhoenix

    Are you seeing the invoice payment in your Accounting > Transactions page? This might be a bug which in that case will need to be escalated by raising a support ticket as we have a bit less insight in our community. Could you kindly share whether you're seeing a successful payment transaction (it should be a grey payment transaction that is not editable). Once again if this is the case you may need to escalate this through a ticket with some screenshots of the payment success transaction and the overdue invoice.

    Thanks so much!

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    MiguelPhoenixMiguelPhoenix Member Posts: 3

    I see a successful payment under "payments" tab but when I go to the invoice it shows as overdue.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @MiguelPhoenix

    I took a look into your account and I'm seeing two separate invoices for the same client. One was denied, but then it appears that another duplicate was created and they paid the second one off. I noticed you blocked your invoice number out which is no problem, but can you confirm that the successfully paid one matches the invoice number of the one overdue. Also can you find the greyed out transaction in your Accounting > Transactions page and see which one that matches? I'm thinking that the duplicate invoice created is the one that was paid, while there is another that doesn't have a payment associated with it.

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    MiguelPhoenixMiguelPhoenix Member Posts: 3


    Yes, when the payment was denied wave auto-generated another invoice. I spoke with tech support and they suggested I just deleted the first invoice showing overdue.

    Thank you for all your help.

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