
Batch invoices

alecalec Member Posts: 2

I put the Young People's Opera Society of BC (YPOSBC) onto the wave platform a year ago. It's automated invoicing and payments thereon is amazing and has saved me time I desparatly needed.

Twice a year we have a program registration frenzy. About 50 people are processed through Google forms. I set up a Sheets that contains all the invoices and line items as rows. That way I know how much this "Batch" receivable should be when they all get entered into Wave.

Can you provide the ability for us to handle batches? The spreadsheet would contain one row for every invoice "product or service" line in a Wave invoice. That row would also contain the header information (customer, Invoice number - which could be autoassigned by wave, - everything that is needed at the header level in a Wave invoice)

I would think it's not too difficult to provide a template Google sheet or Excel sheet that would allow people like me to do all invoice batches in a spreadsheet. We got some skills, this community - we donate our time and this would save a lot of it :)

Keep up the great work! I love you guys!


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @alec.

    Thanks for the love, and welcome to the Community!

    Do you mean that you would like to be able to create invoices in bulk off of a spreadsheet, or you would like to be able to extract all of this information as a report?

    Currently, there's no way to import invoices to Wave, but I can absolutely see how a feature like that would be useful to you.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hey @alec welcome and thanks so much! While this specific feature doesn't currently exist as @Alexia notes, bulk/batch actions are something we've been thinking a lot about.

    Wondering: do you most often create numerous invoices at one time, as here? That is, would this be beneficial to you on a regular basis or would it be sufficient if this were something you could "ask" Wave to do twice yearly?

    In asking I don't have anything specific in mind, I'd just love a clearer picture of how this fits into your usual workflows.

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    renene92renene92 Member Posts: 2

    Yes, I create between 20-60 invoicesmand about the same amount or more bills every month ... I was pushing hard for us to move to Xero mostly for the ability to import my invoices and bills each month. I lost the battle and will be migrating from freshbooks to waveapps this week. We've already moved one of our products and that wasn't horrible, but it has so much less stuff to move. I'm not loving the idea of blending them all into waveapps and welcome any suggestions to simplify having the advantage of all our reporting in one place with the luxury of seeing it separately. OH YEAH, while making creating invoices and bills easy peasy.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @renene92.

    What would you like to see from a feature like this exactly? Would you be looking to make invoices from a spreadsheet?

    For the time being, if your invoices are similar, you can duplicate them in Wave and use that clone as a base for your next invoice. It's not quite bulk creation, but it can save a fair amount of time.

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    94thFS94thFS Member Posts: 1

    @Alexia I second this idea as well, has there been any thought to incorporating it? We're running a pretty robust snack bar for our work and we have monthly 'dues' that cover coffee/popcorn/snacks/water and also need to invoice a bunch of people for their individual snack bar tab. It would be nice to import a spreadsheet with each person on a row and the columns can be certain item numbers (monthly dues, snack bar tabs) and then it would generate the bunch of invoices and send them out! That would be most useful for us. Thanks!

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @94thFS We definitely hear this! Right now we are currently working with an integration tool named Zapier, that will allow you to move information in one app into Wave. There is the functionality to create invoices in Wave using information from Google Docs, however, are team is currently perfecting it and working on the best way to deliver it to our users. I'm personally super excited about it and if you can wait a little longer, I really think you will be too!

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    WesWes Member Posts: 2
    Yes this is the feature I'm looking for now. I manage an HOA using wave and once a year we have to bill the homeowners. 56 of them. Al with the same line item. This situation is a bit simpler I assume. The only difference between each invoice is the customer info.

    A happy middle ground might be to have the ability to batch select customers per item. If you are regularly billing customers on same service/product all at once, maybe you could select the product first and then select all the customers that is applies to. And invoices would automatically be populated. This batch of invoices will remain open until done selecting products.
    After a new batch is completed, allow us to send them all out at once. The user will create a generic message that applies to all customers and out it goes
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    DeanSurkinDeanSurkin Member Posts: 5

    I, too, would like to see some work on this feature. My non-profit has about 50 members, and I want to record their dues as customer invoices. Right now, the only way I see to do this is by entering 50 invoices - I'd like to be able to create one invoice, and then select all 50 recipients.

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    AndyFromWaveAndyFromWave Member Posts: 7 admin

    Hi everyone, we will soon be launching a free add-on to the Google GSuite marketplace. Using Wave Connect, you'll be able to quickly upload customers, products, invoices, bank transactions and bulk journal entries to your Wave business. You will also be able to download data and create multi-period statements and reports!

    As an alternative, if you simply need to collect payment for the same item from multiple customers, you can use the Checkouts* feature under the Sales tab. To start, create a Checkout with the appropriate line item/tax, then just email/SMS the link to the recipients using your email client. You lose the ability to track individual invoices but all the payments that you receive will be associated to the customer in Wave (as long as they use the same email as the one in our system).

    *Currently in Beta, not available if you are not on the new accounting system

    edited January 17, 2019
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    heraulc2heraulc2 Member Posts: 1

    @AndyFromWave said:
    Hi everyone, we will soon be launching a free add-on to the Google GSuite marketplace. Using Wave Connect, you'll be able to quickly upload customers, products, invoices, bank transactions and bulk journal entries to your Wave business. You will also be able to download data and create multi-period statements and reports!

    As an alternative, if you simply need to collect payment for the same item from multiple customers, you can use the Checkouts* feature under the Sales tab. To start, create a Checkout with the appropriate line item/tax, then just email/SMS the link to the recipients using your email client. You lose the ability to track individual invoices but all the payments that you receive will be associated to the customer in Wave (as long as they use the same email as the one in our system).

    *Currently in Beta, not available if you are not on the new accounting system

    Wave Connect is great. I just tried it out to upload a batch of invoices and it worked flawlessly. What a great feature. It would be also be very helpful if you could also upload a batch of bills, especially recurring ones. Would Wave considering adding that feature to Wave connect?

    Thank you!

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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @heraulc2, glad to hear that you're digging Wave Connect! I can't say for sure whether bill uploads are next for our API and Integrations team, however it seems like a logical next step. I recommend commenting on this article from our Help Center and keeping an eye out in that thread for any changes. You can also pick Paul's brain about what we can expect from Wave Connect going forward!

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi @heraulc2!
    Thanks for the positive feedback. It's always great to hear how the tools we build add value, as well as how we can make them better :)
    With regards to Bills, that's going to be a little way down the road. Wave Connect was built taking advantage of some existing public and less public APIs within Wave. Bills is actually one of the older parts of our system, that does not expose an API that we would be able to build on right now.
    As and when a future update of bills makes available an API (no timeline available as of now), we'll certainly look to build on top of it for Wave Connect.
    Sorry I can't offer any definitive view right now of when this may be, but we'll keep the community posted as and when there is any news!

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