Cannot Merge Transactions in Reconciliation (help for those facing duplicates)

KatARAPKatARAP Member Posts: 1

I was trying to complete a reconciliation and could not merge identical transactions. If I deleted one, it deleted the payment for that bill under "Purchases". (It did not matter which one I deleted - I would get the same result each time.) When I went into "Purchases" and "Record a Payment", I would then get two items under reconciliation. I was stuck in a delete-then-redo loop!
So, the solution I found was to go into the "Transactions" for that account and delete ALL of the records that were duplicates. (Not delete one and leave one - that leaves you in the same loop as before. Delete all of the identical transactions.) Then, go back into your "Record a Payment" under "Purchases" and record the payment. Afterwards, when you go into your Reconciliation, there will only be the new transaction you just made and none of the ones from before.

I hope this helps someone (or, maybe, prevents anyone from getting as frustrated as I was getting.)

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