
ashingyashingy Member Posts: 3

I am reconciling one of my accounts. For one of the months, the wave balance total on the list of transactions matches the statement balance at the top. When I click on the last transaction and save (without making any changes), the pop-up window appears showing me that the period has been reconciled. When I click on "reconcile other periods", the account reconciliation page shows me that there is a discrepancy in the month I had just reconciled.

I am not sure what to do. All the transactions match on my bank statement. And the wave balance on the column matches my statement balance. But for some reason, it's showing a discrepancy when I go back to the account reconciliation page. When I click on fix, there is nothing to fix. When I save, it shows all is okay, but when I go back to the reconciliation page, it again shows there is something that needs to be fixed for the same month.

This is a screenshot of the Account reconciliation page, which is showing me that the statement ending June 22, 2019, needs attention.

When I click "fix" on the page above, I get this pop-up window. I then clicked on "fix transactions" in the pop-up window.

Everything looks fine on the reconciliation page. The statement balance at the top matches the wave balance in the column with the list of transactions, but it is showing a difference of 500 at the top.


  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @ashingy , thank you for reaching out! I'm so sorry this is happening for you here, this is definitely not the expected/desired behaviour. Thank you for laying the situation out so clearly & providing great screenshots.

    I triggered a fix on your account, and it showed that your account was in need of this! The reports and accounts should be properly connected within 15-30 minutes, depending on how much data there was to reflow.

    If, after that time the accounts are still off, please let us know and we can go from there!

  • ashingyashingy Member Posts: 3

    Hi @CallieP thank you for triggering the fix - it fixed the error and allowed me to move forward. I finished reconciling this account. We actually closed it in May 2020 and so the balance is 0. It looks like all periods have reconciled but for some reason I still see "2 new transactions" and a balance of ZK-67.84. Do you know why? Thanks!

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ashingy! Great question here. If you navigate to your FNB Zambia account in your Accounting > Transactions page, do you see any new transactions after June 22nd of this year? That's what that screen is telling us here, and I'd love to see if that's what's causing this balance.

  • ashingyashingy Member Posts: 3

    Hi @ConnorM thank you so much. I checked through the transactions and found two after June 22, 2020 that were mistakenly assigned to this account. I deleted them and now my balance for this account is showing 0, which is what I was expecting. Thank you!

  • JKEJKE Member Posts: 1

    Hi @ConnorM, I am having the same issues like Ashingy. Can you please help me too with the fix because I am not sure if I understand your instructions when you said "I triggered a fix on your account, and it showed that your account was in need of this! The reports and accounts should be properly connected within 15-30 minutes, depending on how much data there was to reflow." Should I delete the whole month of transactions I imported and reimport again?
    Thank you!

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JKE !

    If your Wave pages are displaying unusual discrepancies, we have a tool that we can trigger to help resolve some of these issues. However, it looks like your account is already in a good state and is not in need of this.

    If you are seeing any discrepancies on your end, I suggest reconciling your accounts if you haven't already.

    By reconciling, you can review your transactions for accuracy by comparing the transactions in an unreconciled period to the transactions on your bank statement. If there are missing transactions, you can add them by clicking Add Transaction. If you find a transaction that needs to be modified, click on the transaction to Edit it. You can select the check boxes on the left-hand side of a transaction to Merge duplicates, or Delete inaccurate/redundant records.

    I recommend taking a look through this guide on reconciliation for more information.

  • landexearthworkslandexearthworks Member Posts: 3

    @JulianP & @ConnorM ,
    I'm having the same sort of issues as @ashingy - If you look at her reconciliation page, you can see her deposits are listed within the Debits column and the withdrawals in the Credits column. Is this the issue?
    I had everything reconciled earlier this year 2017 (account opening)-current and now everything is off from 2017 to the previous import. My account stopped importing months back when the new banking integration was implemented and I was able to finally reconnect as of today. Unfortunately, when I selected to 'import as far back as possible' it didn't seem to? All of my reconciliation has been undone and my 'wave balance' is drastically off.
    I have submitted multiple tickets with no response and a separate post in the community. Can you please assist with this tool you mention you use to resolve these issues? I need to get taxes done. Thank you.

  • juiceladyjuicelady Member Posts: 2

    Hello, our account is in need of a fix as well please, same issue as @ashingy. We're prepping to close books and migrate our of Wave to Zoho Books but the reconciliation problem is affecting trial balance. Pls see screenshot for context.

    edited February 1, 2021
  • NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Hey @landexearthworks , I can see our Support Team was able to help you resolve this through email back on December!

    @juicelady I checked on the back end and some of your Wave pages were not communication properly, resulting in the discrepancies your'e seeing on the reconciliation screen! I've triggered a reflow and it should take 15-30 minutes to resolve this. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

  • capcap Member Posts: 2

    Hi, our account is having the same issue as @ashingy. How can we get the fix?

  • NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Hey @cap, I can confirm the communication between pages on your account was experiencing issue as well. I've triggered a reflow and this should be resolved within the next 15-30 minutes! :smile:

  • capcap Member Posts: 2

    Issue resolved. I really appreciate it NancyC.

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