
How to Upload Entire Quick Books Data on the Wave System

MHCoalitionMHCoalition Member Posts: 1

I have been using the Quick Books Desktop for the past years, which has proven quite expensive. I want to make a transfer of my data onto the Wave Software. Is it possible and how can this be done?



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    MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    It is possible and have done for clients switching from Quickbooks to Wave. You will need to export to excel the financial accounts. So for example, let's say you have a checking and a credit card. You will need to go to those accounts and export the data for the dates you want. From there you will need to create a separate CSV file and copy the data that is needed for Wave to import (dates, description, amounts).
    As an alternative, you can just connect your financial accounts to Wave and have it import. Depending on your financial institution (how far back they go) Wave can import all available transactions.
    You will need to categorize everything because Wave does not import categories, hence, why you are just importing the financial account(check register).

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