Add New Item - Check box for Sale

Susanna13Susanna13 Member Posts: 4

I noticed when I am adding a new item in a Bill, it auto adds it to the Purchases Products, but does not add it nor have a way to add it to the Sales Products.
So I have to go in to the Purchase Products List to manually edit each individual item to click to add to Sale Products List. Would be easier just to be able to choose that while the product is being made new during the Bill process.
Thank you.


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Susanna13! Thanks for reaching out here. This is a very interesting situation - can you let us know what your workflow in the real world looks like in which you'd need an item to appear in both your Purchases Products and Sales Products at the same time? Are you selling something that you are also purchasing? I'd love to get a little more context from you here so that I can offer my teams the best information possible.

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