Poor connectivity with banks

TJudeTJude Member Posts: 1

Apparently, Wave uses a service called Plaid to connect to banks, but Plaid does not work. The suggested fix is to download and then upload bank statements. Really?

I would like to use Wave, but cannot even if it were the only game in town. Pretty poor showing, even if it is Plaids problem. And the finger pointing. Egad!


  • LucielLuciel Member Posts: 8

    It looks the connection of automatic bank transaction uploading fails again recently.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey folks @TJude @Luciel

    My apologies if your bank is not supported here, or if the connection is no longer working.

    Typically what happens is that your bank may make some major updates to their website or their back end API. When this happens, our third party banking aggregator loses the connection and may need to establish a new one.

    It is unfortunate when the transactions are not automatically imported for better bookkeeping, however Wave does always have a backup to achieve this.

    Plaid supports over 2000 bank connections, but of course not every one is available. We do appreciate you understanding!

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