Invoice Randomly shows up and now cant delete

MrBeesMrBees Member Posts: 1

I have an invoice that randomly showed up in my list of "unpaid" invoices and I CAN NOT delete it. I get an error that it cant be deleted. It's driving me nuts because it is not supposed to be there AND supposedly it's overdue by over 200 days except I hadn't seen this invoice until a week ago so that can't be right.

Please help!


  • AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭


    Hi! What a puzzlement hey! Do you think this invoice appearing and disappearing act might be due to the date when you "search" for unpaid invoices? Maybe it doesn't always show due to the date range of the search.

    I also had an issue of an invoice I could not delete - and I figured out that particular invoice could not be deleted until I removed each item line of the products on the invoice. Maybe that can work for you?

    Let me know if this helps, thanks!

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @MrBees

    I see that you have an open ticket with our agent Abbey. She has since responded to your email request on the 14th and might require a bit more info in order to help you get this issue sorted out! This might be a bug that requires an escalation so the sooner you can get back to her, the faster she'll be able to get it sorted for you :smiley:

    Thanks for your cooperation!

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