Allow for Infinite Invoice Overpayments (Jerry Rigging the Jerry Rig)

christopherdaweschristopherdawes Member Posts: 9

I thought I had found a solution to having an unrestricted open-ended payment portal, but foiled again by Wave Accounting!

When an invoice has been paid or overpaid, the credit card/ACH payment screen goes away, blocking any further payments. If a customer wants to pay me more money, why on earth would I want to stop them?

What I'm really trying to do here is create an unlimited flexible payment screen that will automatically route payment transactions to a specific customer (aka a PayPal button, something that's been around for years and works beautifully in its simplicity), because I'm using customer as a jerry rig to compensate for Wave's lack of subledgers.

I would try checkouts to create an unlimited flexible payment screen that will automatically route payment transactions to a specific customer, but checkouts doesn't have a customer field.

This is such a simple thing to do in PayPal. Why does it have to be so excruciatingly impossible in Wave?


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @christopherdawes Unlike other payment processors, Wave is combined with an accounting platform as well. These means that your invoicing is connected to the appropriate accounting actions to automate the bookkeeping for you. Wave does not allow for flexible payments on an invoice, because this would mean that multiple other invoices will remain unpaid and in your accounts receivable on your Profit and Loss. As Wave as built on an accrual basis, this means that anything that is in your accounts receivables would count as money in. For this reason, having an unlimited and flexible invoice payment option would create your income to be overstated.

    As this sort of feature does not exist in Wave, and there is likely not an option to "jerry rig" this feature, I'd love to collect some further information about your use case, so that in the event that our Product Team does pursue the thought of it in the future, they have some useable data to do so. In saying that, providing the insight is definitely optional but would be helpful!

    • How many clients do you find are looking for a feature like this?
    • How frequently are these clients paying you?
    • What sort of industry do you operate in?
    • Where in the world does your business operate?
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