Marking Imported Bank Transactions as reviewed

riserise Member Posts: 3

Seeing an error message that indicates that the date shown for an imported transaction is different from what is shown at the bank end. Because of this Wave is not allowing this transaction to be marked as reviewed. Unable to manually change the date and save it. Since the transaction was imported by Wave in the first place, not clear how else it could be fixed.


  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @rise

    This is an interesting error. If you are able to share a screenshot that would be really helpful.

    In this case, I am curious, is this happening for all transactions imported? Or is it just the one?

    If it's just the one, are you able to delete it? Go ahead and do so, then recreate the transaction manually by selecting the add income/expense buttons at the top of the transactions page.

    Let us know if you're able to do any of this.

  • riserise Member Posts: 3

    Unfortunately didn't take a screen shot of the error message. It didn't appear today upon clicking on the Mark as Reviewed button. Looks like was a temporary glitch in time that somehow got fixed. So, hopefully someone at your end could go by the gist of the error message content and figure out why it was being shown.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @rise

    Curious if you were able to delete this transaction and recreate it manually. You'll want to do this for your reconciliation. Our team won't be able to enter your account and retroactively find this error to fix the date, so if this is the case go ahead and delete it manually. My apologies that our third party banking aggregator imported this transaction erroneously!

  • riserise Member Posts: 3

    Upon logging in at a later date, as mentioned earlier, the error message didn't show up again. This time one was able to click on the Mark as Reviewed button and mark the transaction as reviewed. Would prefer to not delete such transactions unless absolutely required, although nothing changed with the date shown for the transaction. Hoping this was a temporary glitch and such an issue does will not occur in the future.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for updating us, @rise . If you do get the error message again, please take a screenshot and reach out so we can investigate further!

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