View and edit upcoming invoices?
I'm a freelancer that bills my clients monthly in advance. Many months the invoice is just my retainer, but some months I have additional expenses that will be added to the invoice as an additional line item. Right now, if I understand correctly, the only way to do this is to 1) Cancel the recurring invoice, create a manual one time invoice for the new amount, then go and recreate the recurring invoice to start back up again the following month. 2) Edit the recurring invoice with my line item expenses, and then set a reminder to go back in after the next months invoice has been issued in order to change it back.
I'd like to suggest an alternative. Give the ability to view upcoming invoices (say for the next 3 months or next 3 in the series) that will be triggered by a recurring invoice and edit those individually. I think this not only helps with my use case, but also addresses some other problems I've seen on the site about lack of visibility into future cash flows, ability to use recurring invoices while still manually adding in comments on what this specific invoice is for (i.e. July consulting services), etc...
Hey there @Grentropy
Thanks so much for your feedback in our community and for your use-case scenario. This will help our developers get a bit more insight when considering updates for future iterations!