Balance discrepancy in Transactions List

CaliBevCaliBev Member Posts: 2

My transactions balance for my checking account is over the reconciled balance by $80.63. I have checked and reconciled the account and it is still show a over balance of $80.63. The current bank balance is correct in the dashboard. I need help in correcting this.

edited August 27, 2020 in Accounting Technical Support


  • CaliBevCaliBev Member Posts: 2

    Update: Found my error - New User to Wave - figuring it out as I go along :)

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @CaliBev

    Glad to hear you've resolved this :blush:

    Reach out if you have any other questions or check out the rest of our forums as the answer likely exists somewhere in our community :smiley:

    edited August 27, 2020
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