How to reclassify a Chart of Acct from 'Opex' to 'Owners' Equity' ??

AZ_FinservAZ_Finserv Member Posts: 2

I have Owner's private expenses classified as business Opex. I want to reclassify that entire 'Chart of Acct' to 'Owners Equity' now. please help


  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @AZ_Finserv

    At this point there isn't a way to reclassify the chart of accounts, but you can easily create a new account and move those transactions over.

    1. Create the new desired account under your chart of accounts.
    2. Head to your transactions page use the filter button at the top to filter out your old account which you want to move transactions from.
    3. Once you see all of the transactions for this old account, use the select all check box at the top of the transactions page to check off all of the transactions head.
    4. Select the edit tool and the top and move the transactions into the newly created account.

    Hope this answers your question!

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