Bank reconciliation

JMKJMK Member Posts: 1

for some reason the balance that has integrated does not match the wave balance but the wave balance is the same as my paper copy of my bank statement. The difference is the exact amount of a cheque. I tried deleting the cheque but that didn't work Need to resolve this as this was back in April and I can't reconcile any statements after April


  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @JMK

    There are a few reasons why these balances could be different. The first thing to note is that the actual bank balance showing on your Dashboard is a real-time balance which comes in from the bank connection tool. Meanwhile, the balance showing in the Transactions page is determined by how you're categorizing certain transactions. So, for example, if you input a random income transaction and assigned it to the same account, your balance in Transactions would reflect that; however, the balance displaying on the Dashboard would remain true to your actual bank account.

    The first thing to check: is the balance in Transactions showing the balance for "All Accounts", or is it specific to the account in question?

    This difference could also be influenced by duplicate transactions in Wave. The main reasons that you will see duplicate transactions include:

    1. You are sending invoices from Wave, and recording transactions separately, without marking them as invoice payments.
    2. A similar action with bills.
    3. You have manually entered transactions and have a direct bank integration importing the same data.

    As you work through and reconcile your bank statements, the source of these issues should become readily apparent, and the resolution will be to merge transactions or delete redundant data.

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