Can't search by Chart of Account Number

maddogprodmaddogprod Member Posts: 4

I use account numbers with my Chart of Accounts. What good is that if I can't search by Account Number? Over the years I have the numbers mostly memorized and it's infinitely easier to enter 509 instead of search by "dues" to find "Dues and Subscriptions."

First, it should be possible to do that. Second....what use is having an account number then?



  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @maddogprod , unfortunately you are correct about that, you can't currently search by account number within the system. The account number is there to be used as a reference point when checking or auditing accounts, but I definitely do the see appeal of being able to search for this. I'd be happy to pass your feedback on to our Product team!

  • maddogprodmaddogprod Member Posts: 4

    Thanks. Please do pass it along. It seems that if you're using it for checking or auditing it would also be handy to be able to search on it.


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