
Quotation No. on Invoices

jason1234jason1234 Member Posts: 36


Can you implement a Quotation No. field on the Invoice so customers can trace back to which quotation the invoice is derived from. We can see it but not the customer, through the backend.

I understand there is a P.O /S.O field but a Quotation No. field would be useful too.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @jason1234.

    Is that something that's often required by your clients, or just a something that would be nice to have?

    It's not exactly ideal, but you could add a note in the Memo field or the footer to that effect. If you use quotes a lot, you could even just match your quote numbers to your invoice numbers.

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    jason1234jason1234 Member Posts: 36

    @Alexia Thanks!

    I supposed I can use memo.

    Yes, we use quotes a lot to get client approval, then generate invoice. Sometimes there are multiple quotes that makes things a bit confusing for the client. So we usually place the quote no. on the invoice, especially so for clients who are listed.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks, @jason1234. The more information we can give our product team on feature suggestions like these, the better. It helps them prioritize future features.

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    jason1234jason1234 Member Posts: 36
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