
Automatically populate invoice information in Wave from data in a Google Sheets document.

OnyxDesignOnyxDesign Member Posts: 1

I am trying to get Wave working for my business, and think the Google Sheets plug in could save me a HEAP of time, if it does in fact do what I want it to do.
I have a Google Sheets document with all my job information.
Each row is a job, and there are multiple columns with job number, invoice number, client address, etc.
I am really hoping that there is a way to use this data in Wave, pre populated. As easy as going to create an invoice, choosing a Job Number, and having it automatically populate fields such as address, items, invoice number, etc.
I am REALLY hoping this is possible!
Any help would be hugely appreciated.



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    AngelaCAngelaC Member Posts: 12 admin

    Hi @OnyxDesign,

    Thanks for reaching out! It sounds like Wave Connect, our Google Sheets add-on, can help you with that. You can find more details about it on this page .

    Wave Connect will set up a worksheet template with some expected column headings for you. You can then reference your existing spreadsheet to fill in the rows of the template accordingly. Wave Connect is agnostic about column order, and will ignore columns that it doesn't recognize - feel free to rearrange the columns in the generated spreadsheet to better suit your needs.

    Hope that helps! :smile:

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