Bank Transactions not importing

SiDingani20SiDingani20 Member Posts: 1

Our bank transactions have not been importing since September 24th. Is anyone else experiencing this and can someone offer some tips on how to resolve this.


  • AndyReynoldsAndyReynolds Member Posts: 7

    Same here, sigh. I thought we were past this problem.

  • lewiseanlewisean Member Posts: 1

    Same here.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @SiDingani20 @AndyReynolds @lewisean , if this is RBC relation please check out this thread. If you're banking with a different financial institution and you're still seeing issues, please send a ticket to our Support team and they'd be more than happy to take a deeper look at what's going on with the connection.

  • KatiaKatia Member Posts: 1

    Mine also have not imported since end of July. I accidentally toggled my personal bank acct and that imported all of those transactions into my biz acct. I need to have those transactions deleted and can't figure out how to do it. And I need to have my biz transactions imported Now, as I have a deadline to meet in a couple hours! How can I send a ticket to a support team. I keep getting a bot. Tis frustrating. :(

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Katia ! I see that you submitted a request ticket to our support team. I have notified them and one of our agents will reach back out to you as soon as possible. Please keep an eye on your email inbox! :smile:

  • mieketmuismieketmuis Member Posts: 1

    Experiencing import issues as well. We appear to be missing about a week's transactions. Strangely enough, I have one new transaction show up every couple of days or so. Trying to prepare financials for our AGM. Any help would be much much appreciated. I submitted a ticket about a week ago.

  • VikTH0RVikTH0R Member Posts: 21

    Look like RBC transaction stop working again, I didn't see any new transaction after November 20, 2020.
    Please advise.

  • Micha3l_B3llMicha3l_B3ll Member Posts: 9

    I'm also having the same problem with rbc. It worked for a hot second, and then it stopped working from mid-November. Help!!!

  • geordiedrummageordiedrumma Member Posts: 18

    @Micha3l_B3ll @VikTH0R Plaid can't retrieve information from RBC Business banking is what I've been told. The connection has been "temporarily down" since November 7th, although I have a feeling it could be a permanent problem as it's been well over 3 months since RBC was consistently able to sync with Wave.

  • a_iantornoa_iantorno Member Posts: 5

    Will this issues with RBC be resolved soon? Its been way too long. Maybe Wave should look into another provider other than Plaid!
    This does not make any sense!

  • Micha3l_B3llMicha3l_B3ll Member Posts: 9

    What alarms me most is that Wave customer help is being very quiet. Am I going to have to switch services. I don't want to. Love Wave. But the automatic transaction thing is such a time saver.

  • geordiedrummageordiedrumma Member Posts: 18

    @Micha3l_B3ll said:
    What alarms me most is that Wave customer help is being very quiet. Am I going to have to switch services. I don't want to. Love Wave. But the automatic transaction thing is such a time saver.

    I agree, I've left tickets and discussion board questions that haven't been answered for about a month. Pretty poor customer support.

  • goldenpowderguidinggoldenpowderguiding Member Posts: 3

    I opened a ticket today for this also

  • goldenpowderguidinggoldenpowderguiding Member Posts: 3

    Does anyone know if Quickbooks has these same problems?

    edited December 21, 2020
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone. So that we can get you some individual support and have one of our agents look into your individual bank issues, please submit a ticket to our Support team and they'll get back to you with more information. Apologies in advance as we are a tad backlogged but we're working hard to respond to all those that are waiting for a response. IN the meantime, try using our Google Sheets integration called Wave Connect to get your transactions into Wave.

    @geordiedrumma I see that you have an active ticket with our team. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to reach back out directly through the ticket!

  • kaverpkaverp Member Posts: 1

    I haven't been able to import since mid November either. Tried to disconnect the account but now it won't even let me connect the account again. :(

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @kaverp !

    I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues with your bank connection. If you are still experiencing issues with your transaction imports, please submit a ticket request to our support team at your earliest convenience so one of our agents can looking into your case directly.

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