Bank Account not connecting Post Bank Provider update

MohitMMohitM Member Posts: 4

Hi, my previsouly connected BankOfAmerica account, is now showing not connected and it prompts me to reconnect. When I try to "reconnect", it says my username is wrong. I am able to log into bank website, using same username and pwd, but Wave is not able to reconnect. I tried to raise ticket with wave twice but got same response about syncing transactions, while the issue is about connection. What started as a great experience has turned out to be horribly bad.

Can someone from Wave pls. look into it and advise.


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @MohitM ! I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues with your bank connection. I see that one of my colleagues assisted you via ticket. As you may know, the error linked to your connection on the back end indicates that you tried to update an existing connection with a new username and/or password. Our system requires that the username and password associated with an existing connection remains constant throughout the lifetime of that connection.

    In this case, you can remove the connection completely within the Banking > Connected Accounts page, and then re-add the connection again. Removing the connection will not delete any previously imported data. This should do the trick.

    Also, when reconnecting your bank, please select a specific date to resume transaction imports to prevent duplicates in your account.

    edited October 30, 2020
  • DByckDByck Member Posts: 4

    @JulianP ... suffering same issue it seems... when I investigate removing the connection it suggests that all accounts will be wiped [credit cards, various bank account] and have to be reconnected...
    Is that correct or am I doing something wrong?

  • MohitMMohitM Member Posts: 4

    @JulianP, @DByck
    Folks, this issue was subsequently resolved, and it's working as expected. No action is needed on this please. You may close this ticket if still open.

  • DByckDByck Member Posts: 4

    "Try entering your bank account username
    again. If you recently changed it, you may
    need to unlink your account and then re-

    @MohitM thanks for the quick reply - I am not sure it is resolved for me... this is what I get when I enter the new banking access information [access card and password] for my TD bank apps

  • MohitMMohitM Member Posts: 4

    @DByck my bad, sorry, I thought this was a continuation of my old issue I had opeened. My apologies. @JulianP please ignore my earlier comment.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @DByck , when you remove a connection it will also remove all of the other connections that are associated to that login. You can re-add them all again when you log back into it.

  • DByckDByck Member Posts: 4

    @AlexL - thanks for the clarity...

    so let me get this right... I had to change my bank card and as a result, I have to delete the connection between the bank and Wave... and with it all the accounts [and credit cards] associated with my account... and then reenter everything - really?

    If that is correct, seems that is a huge usability issue.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @DByck !

    For context, Plaid's system requires that the username, password, and card/account information associated with an existing connection remains constant throughout the lifetime of that connection. If any changes are made to these areas, the bank connection will need to be removed and reconnected to apply any changes that were made such as a new bank card, account, etc.

    I hope that helps clear things up!

    edited December 31, 2020
  • DByckDByck Member Posts: 4

    @JulianP - thanks... does clear it up. Again, seems counter-intuitive from a user-friendliness perspective but assume it is a data/security architecture design thing

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