Unable to select send address from drop down for RECEIPT payments on Company

MarcRMarcR Member Posts: 1

When you email an invoice you are able to select the from email address from the drop-down list.

When sending a receipt there is NO drop-down list and default to the user that is logged in.

Likewise, with sending statements; there is a drop-down list. but only the current logged-on user is displayed.
Defeats the object of sending the invoice with a branded address and then receipt and statement with an arbitrary user address.


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @MarcR , at the moment I'm afraid that this is the case. If you'd like to change the address you're sending from, you can always temporarily change your primary email address (click your business name in the top left corner and select Manage your profile in the drop-down menu) to the address you're looking to send from.

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