Splitting yearly expense (like web hosting) into monthly payments

DamolaDamola Member Posts: 1

Hi guys,

I have some subscription payments I make like website hosting and tools where I pay yearly in lump sum but I don't want the expense to show as the large amount being spent in a single month. Here's what I am trying to achieve

  1. I make a payment of $120 for website hosting in September which is a yearly payment
  2. I would like it recorded on wave as $12 spent monthly from September 2020 to September 2021 so that my expense report shows $12 sent monthly instead of $120 spent in September and nothing spent in the other months.

Any ideas how I can achieve this without having to make entries every month for the 12 months. Would have been fine doing this but I have tons of tools and software I pay yearly for and it would accumulate quite a bit if I have to make entries manually monthly


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Damola , I'm afraid that the only way to have this show up would be to create a separate entry for this in each individual month.

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