
estimate reordering the items.

MagicMagic Member Posts: 1

Is it possible to reorder items in the estimate just like you can on the invoice form? this would be very helpful since we are generating a service estimate and need to modify the order several times.


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Magic

    Unfortunately our estimates page has not been updated in a little while which means that the feature to reorder your products is not available at this time. We're hoping that when our developers finish updating the back end of invoicing this will be something that is addressed in future iterations.

    So we appreciate you reaching out about this and you should know that our developers are always parsing through archived tickets looking for feature updates requested by our users. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other improvements you think we could make to our system!

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    ShadShad Member Posts: 3

    Same for me, it's one of the biggest missing thing on the app actually.
    Do you have an ETA for this update ?
    Thank you!

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