Products Report

Irfan_Raza149Irfan_Raza149 Member Posts: 1

Hi, is there any way to book bill directly under Inventory Accounts instead of Expenses?
Secondly, if we select any Product/Services under Selling and Buying option and can se get the relevant product report. I mean any option to check the balance quantity [in Units & in Monetary] for specific units.


  • Edge_Services1Edge_Services1 Member Posts: 0

    Is there any way or will there be any future development to see a sales analysis breakdown? Something like the Expenses a least to see how your sales are made up or something you can analysis further. For example i would like to see how much and be able to view the split between mowing or hedge trimming work etc. i have invoiced for to see where my main income comes from. This could then aid me in reviewing whether i can purchase some more Hedge trimming kit to make it worth while.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello @Irfan_Raza149 ! I believe you are referring to our inventory tracking work around. I recommend taking a look at our inventory tracking Help Center article if you haven't already. It breaks down the correct practices on how to do this in Wave. Check it out here: How to track inventory in Wave

    I'm afraid that Wave does not currently offer product/service reports as our inventory tracking workflow is only a workaround at this time. However, you can still generate a report for the affiliated income account(s).

    edited November 10, 2020
  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Edge_Services1 !

    Just a heads up, I merged your post into this pre-existing discussion. It may shed some light on your inquiry.

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