Ghost Transaction

HashHash Member Posts: 2

I've incorrectly updated a bank account export in waves (deposit and withdrawals were reversed). After deleting all the transactions, I found that this account is now negative (-$5000), while not showing any transactions. I can't even delete the account and now this is messing my reports badly.
Is there a way to fix this?


  • HashHash Member Posts: 2

    A picture of what's happening

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Hash

    It appears that some of your Wave pages might not be communicating with each other, and this is why you are seeing discrepancies in the numbers between different pages.

    I triggered an accounting data fix on your account, and it showed that your account was in need of this! The reports and accounts should be properly connected within 15-30 minutes, depending on how much data there was to fix.

    If, after that time the accounts are still off, please let me know and we can go from there.

  • CFlowCFlow Member Posts: 2

    @Barsin i have similar issue, I deleted a journal entry but it still impacts the balance of one of the account, can you help to make a fix as well, thank you very uch!

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