
How to duplicate a product?


Let's say I sell milk in 4 different sizes. I don't want to retype everything by creating 4 new products, rather duplicate the item and only change the container size. How does one duplicate a product?

please advise.

edited November 5, 2020 in Find a Wave Pro


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @LELANI_ROSSOUW_8

    At this time Wave does not have the ability to duplicate a product, however we do have the ability to duplicate an invoice.

    Let's say you create a product: Milk - $5

    You can sell that small milk on your invoice if you like. If you wanted to sell medium sized milk, you can duplicate the invoice, and simply change the amount to $10 for medium, enter any of these details in the invoice item description.

    This is a workaround that might benefit you.

    Let us know if you have any followup questions :)

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